Through the viewfinder wannabe to steal your heart away
I've been browsing pictures and photos on people's blog, flickr and also facebook photo album (public view preset). They're all awesome and gorgeous pieces with a disturbingly beautiful vintage tone and feeling. I wonder how they achieve that. because i also want my digital photographs look like a lomo photos. hahaha. My guess it's the plug-in on photoshop who helps their photos look even way cooler. since i don't own a DSLR either photoshop plug-in. and all i've got is a toy cam, another toy cam, a range finder vintage cam, another inherit vintage cam, and one disposable kitsch camera which i bought on the traditional market outside the mosque. So what else can i do to steal your heart away? ugh.
then i remember this TtV group on flickr which i found long time ago. i always wanted to do this technique, but it requires the base camera like this one. somehow i remember reading about the possibility using a holga cam as the base camera. i mean by using the square holga viewfinder. hence the format of most photos on TtV group is square. i dunno if it's acceptable or not, since i've always been in a quick conclusion when i read about something interesting. So my interpretation of TtV is a technique of taking photos using any camera (digital or analog) through the viewfinder of any other cameras (anything that has viewfinder on it).
After revisiting the TtV group. i come with another conclusion that my attempt to do TtV like the one i've uploaded on my flickr is likely to be the decadence of the holy magnificent TtV techniques. I'll tell you a secret. I only use a toy cam as the base cam, not even a holga. -_- I have no guts to send them to the group pool. Otherwise, there's a group named Spinoff for the TtV wannabe out there. but still i can't found the back theory whether my shots are allowed or not. so i won't send it anyway. maybe just keep it for myself. or find another group related. maybe you know about this? feel free to comment on this post. spam your love on me :DD
so check out my not-so TtV on kitschmomma's flickr. Will upload some more later. keep reading nice peeps. cheers!
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ReplyDeleteaca aku sdh buka ttg ttv ini tp aku bingung ini sbnrnya gimana dan apa sih?
ReplyDeletepertama. siapakah aca, rega? apakah kamu sedang dimabuk sesuatu ketika menuliskannya? hahahaha..
ReplyDeletekedua. ternyata ttv itu tidak sesimpel yg gua bayangkan. setelah gua paham2i dengan sok tau..teknik ttv membutuhkan sebuah kamera khusus sebagai kamera dasarnya, yg mana berfungsi sebagai media untuk mendapatkan efek kotak2 square lucu di pinggiran frame.
terus yg dibutuhkan kedua adalah alat yg disebut contraption, bisa terbuat dari apa saja, yg penting berbentuk tabung dan berwarna gelap yg nantinya akan menghubungkan lensa kamera digital dan kamera dasarnya..
kamera digital ini yg dipake buat ngambil gambar objek melalui contraption dan celah viewfinder si kamera dasar.
wah penjelasan gua makin bikin gak jelas yah.. ngahaha. liat di link2nya aj rega, - ini buat tutorialnya - ini contoh base cameranya yg ideal buat teknik ttv.
semoga jaya..